ICON® Treatment

ICON® treatment is a minimally invasive, resin infiltration technique designed specifically for children. It is ideal for addressing white spot lesions and incipient caries, which are common issues.

The process involves the application of a specially formulated resin material that Dr. Marisol Bolivar infiltrates into the tooth to strengthen enamel, effectively reversing the early stages of tooth decay. Unlike traditional treatments, ICON is virtually painless and does not require the removal of healthy tooth structure, making it a much more comfortable and child-friendly option. Not only does ICON treatment preserve your child’s natural smile, but it also reduces the need for more invasive procedures down the road. It is a quick and efficient solution that typically takes just one visit to our office.

Our experienced pediatric dentist and team are trained in the latest techniques at The Tooth Cottage Children’s Dentistry. With ICON treatment, we can stop dental decay in its tracks, preserving your child’s oral health and their beautiful smile. Contact us today at 904-429-3387 to learn more about how ICON treatment can benefit your child’s dental health. Our goal is to prevent tooth decay in its tracks, so that your child does not need to suffer through more invasive procedures in the future. Let us maintain their healthy smiles today.