White Dental Fillings

We offer dental fillings for children who have developed minor cavities or tooth damage. The filling is used to restore the structure and health of your child’s tooth. Composite restorations (white fillings) can be used in the anterior and posterior teeth. At The Tooth Cottage Children’s Dentistry, we enjoy using “bioactive” composites that are free from BPA, BPA derivatives and Bis-GMA when possible.

Your child’s filling can be placed in a single visit with our pediatric dentist. An untreated area of tooth decay or damage could lead to discomfort or an infection and could result in the loss of a tooth. With that in mind, it is important that you contact our office if you notice an issue with your child’s teeth, or if they let you know they have a problem with their smile.

If you would like to see if your child needs a dental filling in Saint Augustine, Florida, call our office at 904-429-3387 for an appointment with Dr. Marisol Bolivar.